Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Which is more important at lunch: burger or fries?

You have 30 min for lunch, $5 bucks and a choice between 2 equally priced burger joints. Shop A has a delicious burger and mediocre french fries while shop B has a delicious burger and mediocre fries. Which one would you choose?Which is more important at lunch: burger or fries?
Shop C, which has an excellent burger and excellent fries
BurgerWhich is more important at lunch: burger or fries?
Is this a math question? I would get the hamburger there is more protein. You don't need fries.
They both have excellent burgers and mediocre fries, but if I'm going to wreck my diet plan with burgers and fries, it's all about the fries!Which is more important at lunch: burger or fries?
I'd go for B since you said it now has good fries. But a burger is more important, fries are just side choices.


im a vegetarian
Burger definitely!
burger definitely needs to be good. so shop A!!
If only one, the better burger!
Go to the shop that has the best burger available. Even regular fries are better than none, but a poor tasting burger can ruin the entire lunch.
  • shop bop
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